

CCTV Surveillance projects are all about recording and retrieving the video content. A typical CCTV Surveillance project would consist of several cameras, NVRs and storage. Such projects also involve massive investment in building the communication infrastructure for the transmission of video data to the command-and-control centers. Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) enables users to remotely store, manage, record, play, and monitor CCTV footage in the cloud. This concept would allow users to do away with the requirements of having local NVR for data storage thus eliminating the need for support services at each location of surveillance. The video recording is pushed to the cloud in real-time and can be accessed from anywhere in the world. The VSaaS and global video surveillance market was forecasted to rise at a rate of 16.6% between 2017 and 2025. At this rate, the valuation of this market will reach US$101.70 bn by the end of 2025. The transportation and retail end user segments will account for the leading market shares through this forecast period. Vortex Global is partnering with the leading VSaaS providers across the globe to make the process easier for them by offering the valuable compression at the edge which helps reduce the needs for bandwidth and storage. The compression would enable all the stakeholders to transmit and access the data easily while keeping the overall cost under check.

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