
Green Environment

Uniterrupted Power Supply to BTS Tower by Fuel Cell which is fed by H2

The rapid expansion of mobile network coverage and the increasing demand for uninterrupted connectivity necessitate reliable and sustainable power solutions for mobile BTS (Base Transceiver Station) towers. Conventional backup power sources, such as diesel generators, pose challenges in terms of carbon emissions, operational costs, and maintenance. The solar based solutions need longer battery hours which make solutions commercially unviable, and also it can’t be the only source as the power output depends on weather conditions. As a result, fuel cell technology has emerged as a promising alternative for powering mobile BTS towers. Fuel cell solutions offer numerous advantages, including high energy efficiency, reduced carbon footprint, and quieter operation. This document provides options for backup power solution as well as for continuous supply in poor/off-grid areas, it also explores the benefits and implementation of fuel cell solutions specifically designed to meet the power requirements of mobile BTS towers, ensuring seamless and eco-friendly power supply for uninterrupted network connectivit

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